Fixing Error: InnoDB: (Duplicate key) writing word node to FTS auxiliary index table.

This error appears in your error log. It means there is a duplicate key in your full text index, sadly it doesn’t tell you which table or which full text index.

HINT for MySQL/MariaDB/Percona devs: just add the index_id to the error message.

SQL to find all text indexes in your db:

select table_schema,table_name,index_name, index_type from information_schema.statistics
where index_type = 'FULLTEXT' order by table_schema;

| table_schema    | table_name            | index_name  | index_type |
| db0001_fullname | Activity_fullname_log | message     | FULLTEXT   |
| db0002_fullname | Activity_fullname_log | message     | FULLTEXT   |
2 rows in set (0.715 sec)

So what is the next step?

If you follow the documentation it will tell you to rebuild the table or use OPTIMIZE TABLE with innodb_optimize_fulltext_only=ON to rebuild just the text index.

My recommendation: Rebuild the table (including the full text indexes)

-- Plain old ALTER TABLE
use db0001_fullname;

-- Or pt-osc equivalent

pt-online-schema-change --dry-run --alter="ENGINE=INNODB" \
--alter-foreign-keys-method=rebuild_constraints --max-lag=60 \
--max-load Threads_running=50 --critical-load Threads_running=60 \

pt-online-schema-change --execute --alter="ENGINE=INNODB" \
--alter-foreign-keys-method=rebuild_constraints --max-lag=60 \
--max-load Threads_running=50 --critical-load Threads_running=60 \


The trouble with this method is it will only do a set number of words per execution of OPTIMIZE TABLE.

SQL to set the specific table so you can query INNODB_FT_INDEX_TABLE

set global innodb_ft_aux_table = 'db0001_fullname/Activity_fullname_log';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.002 sec)

SQL to find the number of distinct words in a specific text index:

| count(distinct word) |
|               600000 |
1 row in set (1 min 53.333 sec)

Depending how much impact you want per OPTIMIZE TABLE set innodb_ft_num_word_optimize appropriately.

The remaining steps to rebuilding your full text index using OPTIMIZE TABLE

set GLOBAL innodb_ft_num_word_optimize=10000;
set GLOBAL innodb_optimize_fulltext_only=ON;
OPTIMIZE TABLE Activity_fullname_log; 
OPTIMIZE TABLE Activity_fullname_log;
OPTIMIZE TABLE Activity_fullname_log;
OPTIMIZE TABLE Activity_fullname_log;
OPTIMIZE TABLE Activity_fullname_log;
... -- repeat round(distinct words/innodb_ft_num_word_optimize)+1
OPTIMIZE TABLE Activity_fullname_log;

Until next time…

One thought on “Fixing Error: InnoDB: (Duplicate key) writing word node to FTS auxiliary index table.

  1. There is an open MySQL bug about this: (filed in 2015)
    And a MariaDB bug that was fixed by me in 2017:

    commit 9a791c9c8d75116d3d15bebb4df198b122b98f97
    Author: Marko Mäkelä
    Date: Mon Oct 16 13:21:11 2017 +0300

    MDEV-12676 MySQL#78423 InnoDB FTS duplicate key error

    fts_get_next_doc_id(): Assign the first and subsequent FTS_DOC_ID
    in the same way: by post-incrementing the cached value.
    If there is a user-specified FTS_DOC_ID, do not touch the internal

    The FULLTEXT INDEX design and implementation in InnoDB is a mess. I was of that opinion when it was “finished” while I was part of the InnoDB group at Oracle. Nobody really reviewed the design or implementation, and it shows. Most of still holds today.

    At MariaDB, we have been trying to fix bugs also in the area of fulltext indexes. I would hope that at some point, we can have a more solid solution in MariaDB.

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